Writing is hard! How about a bit of support? Every Tuesday you’ll get writing encouragement in 250 words or less. The posts won’t focus so much on how to write, but how to live with writing–and enjoy it. 🙂
What We Do
There’s a story about literary icon Margaret Atwood. I don’t know if it’s real—but stories don’t have to be real to be true, right? The story goes like this: Margaret Atwood was at a swanky party when she was introduced to a doctor, a renowned brain surgeon. “Oh, you’re a writer!” he exclaimed. “I think I’ll write a book when I retire.” To which Ms. Atwood coolly replied, “Yes, I think when I retire, I’ll take up brain surgery.”
The truth: writing is hard. Writing takes time. Writing takes practice. Writing takes training. So it’s okay if it feels hard and frustrating and almost impossible. No one becomes a brain surgeon overnight, so why should you think you’re failing if you don’t become a renowned writer overnight?
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