There’s No Such Thing
Who is the best writer? What is the best book? Since childhood, I thought I could strive to be the answer to both—I’mthe best writer and my book would be the best. I’d learn to write so well, I’d win the most prestigious awards; everyone would love my work.
This was my dream not because I wanted attention but because I wanted to share my stories. I was brimming with ideas and a talent to nurture. Writing would be my contribution to the world.
You see where this is going, right? How impossible this dream was? Because who can define “best”? Best literary novels as indicated by those prestigious awards? Bestsellers as indicated by sales? Best fantasy writer? Best science fiction writer? Best romance writer? And best according to whose tastes? Mine? Yours?
If you’re the fastest across the finish line in a race, then perhaps you could be considered the best. But in art where judgement is so subjective? Impossible.
There is such a thing as bad writing. Bad stories. Bad books. There is also good writing and great stories and amazing books. But the “best”? Impossible.
So I revised my dream. It’s not about being the “objective” best. It’s about being the best writer I can be. I have a lot to learn. I’m not there yet. Maybe I never will be. Perhaps that goal is as elusive as the first.
But this new way? It’s a lot more freeing and a lot more fun. 🙂