Adjusting Writing Expectations
I have an innate sense of time. Without a watch, I can often tell the time. I can also estimate how long an activity will take, and when to leave to get somewhere. I’m not perfect, but as a mom trying to juggle the lives of the four people in our family, it’s an invaluable tool.
For a long time, I assumed everyone had the same gift; it always amazed me how people “lost track of time.” How? It’s right in front of you! Some argue that it’s freeing, especially if you’re into something you truly love—like reading or writing. I get that, but even still, I can lose myself in a book, yet still know to come up for air in time to cook dinner.
This time management skill has served me well as a writer and book coach. As writers, we often underestimate how long something will take—a paragraph, a scene, a full draft. With unrealistic expectations comes frustration. Why am I not done yet? That leads to self-doubt and even giving up. At least I can temper my expectations.
But if you don’t have the same gift? That’s okay! Because I can estimate well, I’m telling you everything takes longer than you think. 🙂 Whatever time you’ve allotted, double it. Now you won’t stress as much. Yes, it may take you longer to finish, but this way you will finish.
Which means readers will get their chance to lose track of time with your story. 🙂