Two-Fifty Tuesday: Book Birthday

Happy Pub Day, Amaranth!

There’s an easy narrative about writers. So-and-so published their first novel in [fill in year], followed by their latest in [fill in a date often very soon after the first.] Perhaps this makes sense to non-writers, but it’s, at best, a misnomer, at worst an outright fib. Because many, many writers—who do get published—didn’t necessarily publish their “first” novel or story. They may have had the proverbial book in a drawer, the one never to see the light of day (I, ahem, might have one or more of those…) Or, they may have more luck publishing a later novel first, then the first one later. 

This is what happened to me. Evangeline’s Heaven was my first novel published, but my fourth written. Amaranth (OUT TODAY!!) is my second one published but my third one written.

When I first started writing, tales like these from other authors gave me hope. It was a refreshing and inspirational reminder that a life in writing is never linear. 

This holds true as much today as it did all those years ago. You may be working on your first book or your tenth. You may have been published before, or not. For all the structure we like to think exists in our world, it kinda really doesn’t in writing. 🙂 Everyone’s path is their own. 

What matters is practice and perseverance, and ultimately, a chance readers will take on you. For that last one, thank you, thank you, thank you. 

I hope you enjoy Amaranth.


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