Two-Fifty Tuesday: You’re Not Alone

Together On the Write Track

Did you know writing is hard? Shocking, I know. What’s (not) surprising is how many writers think it shouldn’t be. Even seasoned writer—in fact, I’d argue especially seasoned writers who’ve done it before and therefore think (wish) they can easy-breezy do it again—try to convince themselves that all they have to do is get words on the page. 

Yes, absolutely that’s what you have to do—as your starting point. But watch the credits the next time you finish a movie. See that long list of names? Now replace your name with each and every one of those roles. That’s what you’re doing. You’re doing all that work. You’re set designer, costume designer, dialogue coach, screenwriter, director, actor—you’re everything (even if you work with a book coach or editor or writing community or beta readers; they’re there to offer guidance and feedback, not to tackle the work themselves). 

So yes, writing is hard. Writing is layered. Writing is nuanced. Writing is circular. There’s no way you can ace every aspect of a good story on the first draft (or the second or third or tenth), despite how non-writers might have delusions to the contrary. (“Oh, I’ve always wanted to write a book!” “Yeah? You ever put in the blood, sweat and tears?”) 

I say again: writing is HARD! If you’re struggling, that’s normal. You’re on a tough journey—but remember, you’re not alone. We’re all on our own writing path, yes, but we’re still travelling together. 


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