Two-Fifty Tuesday: Who You Are

The Aura of a Writer

At university, my daughter was stopped by a friendly, random stranger to ask if she was an athlete. Surprised, my daughter wasn’t sure how to respond. She loves sports and used to play, but isn’t right now so she can focus on her studies. Her first reaction (besides what made you think that?) was hesitation. Normally, she identifies as an athlete, but she felt she couldn’t lay claim to the title because she wasn’t participating in sports at the moment. 

Eventually, she stuttered a “yes, but…” They chatted for a few minutes, then went their separate ways. 

Sports have always been an interest of hers; that doesn’t change just because her circumstances change. The same with writing. We want to identify as writers, but “I don’t write”. And you may not write because of your current circumstances. Or you may think you have no claim to the identity because you don’t have a book published. But the friendly, random stranger did not ask if my daughter was on any award-winning, sports team. They just saw an aura they connected with “athlete” and made a leap. 

Which is why you are as much entitled to the identity of “writer” as any NYT bestseller, award winner or even published author, no matter your experience. No matter if you’re even writing at the moment. If you write/have written/want to make time to write in the future, then you get to decide. Yes, I am a Writer.


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