You ARE a Writer
A reminder: if you write, you are a writer. Not, “if you get published”. Not “if you’re on the bestseller list”. Not “if you’re an award winner”. You’re a writer if you write.
You may write as a hobby or you may write because the incessant voice inside your head won’t quit until you do. You may write as a lark, because it’s fun, or you may write out of dark passion and desperate dreams. You may write because you have only your story to tell, or you may write because your head is filed with other voices. You may write to heal or you may write to hurt. You may write just-because-and-why-the-hell-not, or you may write because-your-sanity-depends-on-it.
Your reasons are you own and whatever those reasons, they all lead to the same conclusion: if you write, you are a writer.
You may be a writer who wants to improve. You may be a writer who needs guidance. You may be a writer who is ready for a break. You may be a writer to whom the craft comes easily or you may be a writer for which the terms “herculean effort” better apply.
It doesn’t matter, because the fundamental, foundational principle applies: if you writer, you are a writer.
It’s as simple as that.
(Isn’t it nice that something in the writing world is that simple? 🙂 )